DW Contacts & Phone 2.0.9 released


  1. option to set the limit of quick-call list (max =1000) (see settings -> phone settings)
  2. dial prefix (if set, then there is another option on context menu (dial with prefix) (see settings -> phone settings)
  3. dial suffix (if set, then there is another option on context menu (dial with suffix) (see settings -> phone settings)
  4. dial with prefix and suffix (if both are set, then there is another option on context menu (dial with prefix and suffix)
  5. fast scroll icon is only on 1 side visible (related on which side you start scrolling,so it does not disturb users)
  6. quick-jump for events (quick jump to months)
  7. call filter -> adding call filter group: “all incoming calls” + “anonymous incoming calls”
  8. disable/enable rules on call filter (every rule can disabled/enabled)
  9. adding “2sec pause” to dialer menu (if a number is inserted, then it is visible in dailer menu)
  10. adding “wait” to dialer menu (if a number is inserted, then it is visible in dailer menu)
  11. call log status: adding “blocked calls” icon(calls, which are ignored or blocked)
  12. recognize blocked calls (is an answered call, which have a duration of 0 second) in call log + “blocked” icon.
  13. redesign of call log status icons


  1. some android 4.0 (ICS fixes)
  2. quick-jump shows now also empty names (only organization name) and sorting is correct
  3. speedups
  4. detailed call log view was sometimes slow and buggy

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