Do you like the new icon?

Old icon

icon ic_launcher_phone

New icon

ic_launcher ic_launcher_phone

Do you like the new icon?

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It seems more people prefer the old icon, I will return to it in the next version.

26 Replies to “Do you like the new icon?”

  1. I WOULD like new icons.

    But not these.

    The dialer icon looks nearly identical to True Phone’s dialer (your best competitor, IMO)

    The contacts icon looks like various icon sets for Android’s People/Contacts app.

    They are also overly generic and fail to communicate your app’s qualities.

    The current icons are poor and inconsistent, too. The dialer looks like RedPhone, and the main contacts icon is too busy with text.

  2. Gostaria de ver uma melhor adaptação do ícone anterior. O problema é que não existe continuidade entre os ícones.

  3. The problem of new icon is that cannot be distinguished with other similar programs, even default contact manager from Android.

    It would be good to create a more recognizable icon for DW (even include these letters could help)

  4. old icon reminds me that i am supporting very good app.

    old icon is also honoring author’s hard work to keep the app great.

  5. With the old Icon i was knowing that i will start DW Contact. With the new icon it could be any other contact manager. No recognition.

    Ok at the end people love what they are used to and any new icon will get a number of cons.

    If possible for you allow the user the choice and over time you will know…

  6. The new icon is about as lame as lame can get. It looks like every other lame phone contacts icon out there, which is to say that you have lost your unique visual identity. The old one’s MUCH better. Please bring it back! I agree with Noah F’s comments 100%!

  7. The old style looks much better

    You really need to re add early black and early white theme

  8. Stará ikona JE specifická pro danou výbornou aplikaci a optický výrazná! Nová ikona je primitivní nevýrazná, shodná s ikonami google kontakty s ikonami výrobců! Prosím nedělejte do A vratťe starou ikonu!

  9. Stará ikona JE specifická pro danou luxusní aplikaci a optický výrazná! Nová ikona je primitivní nevýrazná, shodná s ikonami google kontakty s ikonami výrobců! Prosím nedělejte do A vratťe starou ikonu!

  10. Stará ikona je specifická pro danou luxusní aplikaci a opticky výrazná! Nová ikona je primitivní a nevýrazná, shodná s ikonami google kontakty a ikonami výrobců! Prosím nedělejte to a vratťe starou ikonu!

  11. I absolutely loathe all of the “flat”, characterless icons that apps are moving to lately. The “Material Design” style guidelines suck. Please don’t do this.

  12. Your suggested NEW icon looks too much like the Google Contacts icon. Don’t use that!

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